【同义词辨析】 2020-01-23 匹及match-touch

match: implies that one thing is the mate rather than the duplicate of another, as in power, strength, beauty, or interest: feels that no language can ~ French for clarity and exactness.

rival: suggests a close competition, as for superiority or in excellence: a voice which none could ~.  superiority优势implies advantage over one's enemy,如to have naval/air superiority有海上/空中优势

equal: implies such close equivalence, as in quantity, worth, or degree, that no question concerning a difference or deficiency can arise: a love of glory ~ed only by a fear of shame.

approach: implies such closeness in matching or equaling that the difference, though detectable, scarcely matters: a beauty ~ing perfection.

touch: suggests close equivalence, as in quality or value or, and is typically used in negative constructions: as for durability, no current product can ~ the new product.

match匹配: 是伴侣不是替代复制,rival匹敌: 表示势均力敌竞争,如争夺优势卓越地位,equal相等: 指数量价值程度完全等价没有差异,approach接近: 表示近乎相等,虽有差异微不足道,touch匹敌: 意思同上,用于否定句

记忆方法: 1)首字母MR EAT吃饭先生<==无人匹及   ""有2个意思 1、量词 1.a 指整卷的绸或布 1.b 指马、骡等 1.c 指单个人,如匹夫有责  2、比得上相当相敌,如匹敌匹配匹及

        2)匹及的意思是达到某人标准mean to come up to or nearly up to the standard of someone else.